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What is a Goldendoodle?A Goldendoodle is a Golden Retriever and Poodle cross. Goldendoodles, also called Golden Poos, Goldie Poos, or Groodles, have been bred in North America and Australia since the early to mid-1990's. As the smaller poodle hybrids had been such a success in filling the niche for small, allergy friendly family pets, Golden Retriever breeders decided to try a breeding with a standard poodle for a larger family pet. The quick rise of the popularity of Goldendoodles is due to the dogs themselves. They are a most marvelous hybrid.
What is a Goldendoodle Temperament Like?It has been our expierence that Goldendoodles are an intelligent and obedient family companions. Goldendoodles want to be everybody's friend and are devoted to their family. Our Goldendoodles are friendly towards children, other dogs and pets, and after being propertly introduced, have been easy with strangers. They are social dogs, happiest when with people. Goldendoodles are likely to get into mischief and develop behavior problems if they spend most of their lives alone. Their intelligence, eagerness to please, and love of learning make them very easy to train. They are medium-to large sized family dogs with easy dispositions.
Do I have to Groom my Goldendoodle?Yes! Goldendoodles are a primarily non-shedding breed. They have mosly hair, not fur, and require regular grooming every 4-6 weeks to prevent matting. Puppies typically "blow" their coat around 6 months of age. Thereafter, you will begin to loose the ever so soft puppy coat and begin to grow their adult hair. Adult hair typically comes with more curls and requires daily to weekly brushing depending on how long you like to keep your Goldendoodles hair. We refer all of our puppy buyers to for excellent information on how to keep your doodle's hair long without getting matted.
What does F1, F1B mean?"Generations of the Goldendoodle: When you talk with a breeder about getting a Goldendoodle, you might hear about the generations of Goldendoodles. This refers to how the dog was bred. For example, a first generation Goldendoodle (referred to as F1) was the first to be bred. This comes from the Golden Retriever and a Poodle, both pure bred. The backcross Goldendoodle (F1b) comes from crossing a first generation Goldendoodle with a Poodle. Then you may also hear about second generation Goldendoodles (F2) and these come from a Goldendoodle being bred with another Goldendoodle. See the Chart below for reference:

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